Noggin Notes aims to educate and enrich your noggin about mental illness and wellness. Conversations range from factual and data-based to theoretical and idea-based. We welcome your input at info@nogginnotes.com or info@zephyrwellness.org. Noggin Notes is not intended as a substitute for professional counseling but we really do hope you can adopt and use some of what we share in order to improve your own life and to seek peace and wellness every day.

Monday Nov 20, 2017
Podcast Episode 20: Eight Steps of the Counseling Process
Monday Nov 20, 2017
Monday Nov 20, 2017
This week Jake shares with you eight common steps when clients go through therapy. Sometimes people who need help are intimidated by what may be required of them, so our hope in sharing this with you is to demystify process and make it a little more common.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Nov 13, 2017
Podcast Episode 19: Listen To Your Body, with special guest Lindsay Garrison
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Jake brings us another exciting episode today, with special guest Lindsay Garrison, a Marriage & Family Therapist and Co-Founder of Zephyr Wellness in Reno, Nevada, where they discuss deeper on how to reconnect with yourself.
When was the last time you really sat down in silence and listened to your body? Life is ever changing, we have plans but life always has other ones. We become so consumed with everything we want and we begin to lose focus of ourselves.
We always think of the mind telling the body what to do, but the communication goes the other way too, from the body to the mind. Being self-aware of how our body and our surroundings affect how we think, learn, and behave can have big effects on our ability to learn, perform and feel our best. We just have to know what they are.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Nov 06, 2017
Podcast Episode 18: Connection and Intimacy with special guest Jesse Lott
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Jake had the honor of having Jesse Lott from Zephyr Wellness, who is a marriage and family therapist and also an alcohol and drug counselor, as a guest on the show, to discuss deeper on the topic of Connection and Intimacy.
Connections with other people form our “web” of relationships made with other people. These can be made face to face, online, over the phone, any means of communication, you name it. People’s networks opens up countless new opportunities they wouldn’t have had otherwise, which can range from just having some food at lunch with someone to the immense offer to travel overseas.
Intimacy is about knowing someone deeply and being able to be completely free in that person's presence. It is an emotional state that is often reserved for just one person.
Connections and Intimacy in your relationships are very rewarding. Remember, the more effort you put into your connection, the greater the satisfaction and benefits you will receive.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Oct 30, 2017
Podcast Episode 17: Listener Mail
Monday Oct 30, 2017
Monday Oct 30, 2017
In this episode Jake will be replying to some of our listeners questions that have been sent in. Thank you to those who have emailed us with questions and topic ideas for the show. We hope to get through all the mail and answer all your questions. We will be doing more listeners mail podcast to get you all involved. Enjoy!

Monday Oct 23, 2017
Podcast Episode 16: Addiction, with special guest Steve Barcia
Monday Oct 23, 2017
Monday Oct 23, 2017
Jake had the honor of having Steve Barcia from Zephyr Wellness, who is a marriage and family therapist and also an alcohol and drug counselor, as a guest on the show, to discuss deeper on the topic of addiction.
People with addiction have an intense focus on using a certain substance, such as alcohol or drugs, to the point that it takes over their life. They keep using alcohol or a drug even when they know it will causes problems.
Addictions do not only include physical things we consume, such as drugs or alcohol, but may include virtually anything, such abstract things as gambling to seemingly harmless products, such as chocolate. Addiction may refer to a substance dependence or behavioral addiction. Many of us can use substances or become engaged in activities without any significant problems, but in some people, however, may experience damaging psychological and/or physical effects when their habit becomes an addiction.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Oct 16, 2017
Podcast Episode 15: Surprise
Monday Oct 16, 2017
Monday Oct 16, 2017
Surprise is an individual’s psychological and emotional response to experience that does not align with that individual’s paradigm and expectations. It is the sense of astonishment, wonder, or amazement that is caused by something sudden or unexpected. The experience of surprise varies with the importance of the outcome, as well as beliefs about the outcome.
Jake explains how the concept of surprise is relevant to many aspects of human behavior. It also affects beliefs about other events. When a person takes an unexpected stance that violates his or her self-interest, the person’s arguments are surprising and quite often more persuasive.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Oct 09, 2017
Podcast Episode 14: Contempt
Monday Oct 09, 2017
Monday Oct 09, 2017
In this episode Jake discusses the emotion of Contempt. Contempt is an emotion felt towards others that puts the person in an inferior, lower status position. The other person is regarded as being less in some way that the person feeling contempt considers important.
Empathy and contempt are polar opposites. Empathy involves caring about others feelings and concerns. Contempt is arrogance, "I know best", disregard, dismissal and no regard of other’s concerns. Empathy nurtures relationship bonds; contempt invites relationship problems.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us an honest review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/noggin-notes-podcast/id1263017167?mt=2.

Monday Oct 02, 2017
Podcast Episode 13: Interest
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Monday Oct 02, 2017
In this episode Jake discusses the emotion of Interest where the emotion of interest is as essential to intellectual development as exercise is to physical development. The emotion of interest is continually present in the normal mind under normal conditions, and it is the central motivation for engagement in creative and constructive endeavors and for the sense of well-being. Interest and its interaction with other emotions account for selective attention, which in turn influences all other mental processes. Embeddedness affects may occur in depressed adults who loses interest in the surrounding world. Activity affects are characterized by zestfulness, interested feeling tones, and positive tension, these activity affects appear in the attentive looking of an infant and in the creative activities of adults. Interest, is an attitude rather than an effect.
For more information on Carroll E. Izard, Human Emotions have a look at https://books.google.com/books?id=DYoHCAAAQBAJ&lpg=PA1&ots=HxNf3ZBJ9s&dq=interest%20emotion%20mental%20health%20carroll%20izard&lr&pg=PA39#v=onepage&q=interest%20emotion%20mental%20health%20carroll%20izard&f=false
We are also happy to announce our new partnership with nOCD. nOCD is a smartphone and smartwatch app bringing technology into OCD treatment where patients need it most. nOCD was created by OCD patients for OCD patients driving every aspect of their mission.
You can check them out and download their app on Website: http://m.treatmyocd.com/nogginnotes Instagram: www.instagram.com/treatmyocd; Twitter: www.twitter.com/treatmyocd; Facebook: www.facebook.com/treatmyocd

Monday Sep 25, 2017
Podcast Episode 12: Disgust
Monday Sep 25, 2017
Monday Sep 25, 2017
Traditionally as an adaptive function, disgust has served for disease avoidance. In other words: to keep us healthy and to keep us from getting ill. Our feeling of disgust works incredibly well for us to tell us to avoid, for example, faeces, rotting meat, or parasitic infected food.
If we have a "disgust" response to something, typically it's associated with fear. However, fear and disgust are very separate and unique emotional functions within the limbic system and they definitely result in different facial expressions. For example if you're experiencing fear, your eyes might go wide, and your heart rate may either increase or decrease. Disgust on the other hand may result in a bit of a lip curl, or a feeling in the pit of your stomach that says "don't go near that or you might get ill!".
Link to study: http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/366/1583/3478

Monday Sep 18, 2017
Podcast Episode 11: Listener Mail
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Monday Sep 18, 2017
In this episode Jake will be replying to some of our listeners questions that have been sent in. Thank you to those who have emailed us with questions and topic ideas for the show. We hope to get through all the mail and answer all your questions. We will be doing more listeners mail podcast to get you all involved. Enjoy!