Noggin Notes aims to educate and enrich your noggin about mental illness and wellness. Conversations range from factual and data-based to theoretical and idea-based. We welcome your input at info@nogginnotes.com or info@zephyrwellness.org. Noggin Notes is not intended as a substitute for professional counseling but we really do hope you can adopt and use some of what we share in order to improve your own life and to seek peace and wellness every day.

Monday Jul 24, 2017
Welcome the Noggin Notes Podcast
Monday Jul 24, 2017
Monday Jul 24, 2017
Hello and welcome to the Noggin Notes podcast, this is the show for Mental Wellness. On this episode, Jake will introduce who we are and what to expect in the upcoming shows. Educating and awareness is exactly what we’re going to help you with on our shows. I hope you enjoy!