Noggin Notes aims to educate and enrich your noggin about mental illness and wellness. Conversations range from factual and data-based to theoretical and idea-based. We welcome your input at info@nogginnotes.com or info@zephyrwellness.org. Noggin Notes is not intended as a substitute for professional counseling but we really do hope you can adopt and use some of what we share in order to improve your own life and to seek peace and wellness every day.

Monday Jan 29, 2018
Podcast Episode 29: Listener Mail
Monday Jan 29, 2018
Monday Jan 29, 2018
Jake has received a great question about how our relationships with others, our parents, our children, how we grew up effects and defines who we become. What you are taught as a child by your parents, by what you saw and learned from your environments plays a big part in the development on who you will become.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Jan 22, 2018
Monday Jan 22, 2018

Monday Jan 15, 2018
Monday Jan 15, 2018
Jake and Heather break it down as they discuss treatment intervention. One of the points they dig deeper on is behavioral modification.
The belief behind behavior modification is that all behaviors can be observed and measured, and used as targets for change. Behavioral modification seeks to change or shape behavior through a set of stimuli and response actions. This works under the premise that the best way to understand a person’s behavior is to look at the reason for action and the consequences of said action.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Jan 08, 2018
Monday Jan 08, 2018
Jake brings us another exciting episode today, with special guest Heather Milligan who is a MFT graduate currently doing her internship at Zephyr Wellness.
Intellectual disability is identified by problems in both intellectual and adaptive functioning. Some mental health, neurodevelopmental, medical and physical conditions frequently co-occur in individuals with intellectual disability, including cerebral palsy, epilepsy, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder and depression and anxiety disorders.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Jan 01, 2018
Podcast Episode 25: Listener Mail
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Monday Jan 01, 2018
In this episode Jake will be replying to some of our listeners questions that have been sent in. Thank you to those who have emailed us with questions and topic ideas for the show. We hope to get through all the mail and answer all your questions. We will be doing more listeners mail podcast to get you all involved.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Dec 25, 2017
Podcast Episode 24: Five Steps To Improved Gratitude
Monday Dec 25, 2017
Monday Dec 25, 2017
In this episode Jake discusses provides us with five steps to improved gratitude.
Expressing gratitude and feeling thankful are powerful mind and body vitamins. Research shows that the benefits of appreciation and thankfulness are many. Having an attitude of gratitude is good for your physical, emotional and mental health.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Dec 18, 2017
Podcast Episode 23: Content versus Process with special guest Jesse Lott
Monday Dec 18, 2017
Monday Dec 18, 2017
This week Jake welcomes returned guest Jesse Lott from Zephyr Wellness, to discuss deeper on the topic of Content versus Process.
It is not the language often spoken of in the world of relationships, but I think it is a highly relevant issue to address. It’s the idea of ‘how’ to do something, more than ‘what specifically to do.’ When two people can totally be authentic with each other giving each other space to be completely genuine to one another, this is what we call process, it helps communication and connection.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Dec 11, 2017
Podcast Episode 22: Being versus Doing
Monday Dec 11, 2017
Monday Dec 11, 2017
This week Jake shares with you how if we never commit to ‘being’ rather merely ‘doing’, then we may never develop the endurance and perseverance necessary for truly profound relational growth.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Dec 04, 2017
Podcast Episode: Encore presentation of Emotional functioning part I
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monday Dec 04, 2017
This week Jake shares with you how mental health refers to your overall psychological well-being. It includes the way you think about yourself, the quality of your relationships, and your ability to manage your emotions and deal with difficulties.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Nov 27, 2017
Podcast Episode 21:Projection, with special guest Steve Barcia
Monday Nov 27, 2017
Monday Nov 27, 2017
This week Jake welcomes returned guest Steve Barcia from Zephyr Wellness, to discuss deeper on the topic of Projection.
Projection is a common attribute of paranoia, where people project dislike of themselves onto others such that they believe that people around, dislike them.
Projection helps justify unacceptable behavior, for example where a person claims that they are sticking up for themselves amongst a group of aggressive other people.
Projecting thoughts or emotions onto others, allows the person to consider them and how dysfunctional they are, but without feeling the attendant discomfort of knowing that these thoughts and emotions are their own. We can thus criticize the other person, distancing ourselves from our own dysfunction.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.