Noggin Notes aims to educate and enrich your noggin about mental illness and wellness. Conversations range from factual and data-based to theoretical and idea-based. We welcome your input at info@nogginnotes.com or info@zephyrwellness.org. Noggin Notes is not intended as a substitute for professional counseling but we really do hope you can adopt and use some of what we share in order to improve your own life and to seek peace and wellness every day.

Monday Jun 18, 2018
Podcast Episode Reboot: Fear
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Shortly after posting the anxiety episode people asked about the roots of anxiety, which we often see as the emotion of fear. This week we see fit to follow up with a reboot of Episode 8 and we invite you to explore all the emotions in our emotional functioning series.
Jake discusses the emotion of fear in this episode. What is the adaptive function of fear? What does fear tell us is going on in our environment? In brief, fear tells us that there’s a threat or a danger present. It’s probably safe to assume that compared with our ancestors, in this day and age we have little to fear in our day-to-day lives. Why then in places like the US, Europe, and Australia is there a reported general increase in overall anxiety? Jake discusses fear (both rational fear and irrational fear) and anxiety further and talks about how the two are related.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Jun 11, 2018
Podcast Episode 47: Anxiety: 5 Tips to help Prioritize
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Everyone feels anxious now and then. In moderation, anxiety can help you stay alert, focused, and motivate you to solve problems. It’s a normal emotion. For example, you may feel nervous when faced with a problem at work, before taking a test, or before making an important decision.
It is when anxiety is constant or overwhelming when it interferes with your relationships and daily activities you’ve likely crossed the line from normal anxiety into the territory of an anxiety disorder.
In this episode Jake breaks down the different types of anxiety and provides great tips to help you to prioritize task and overcome situation where anxiety tends to take over.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Jun 04, 2018
Podcast Episode 46: Male Sex Trafficking and Sex Abuse
Monday Jun 04, 2018
Monday Jun 04, 2018
We had the honor of having on our show an extraordinary individual. Australian raised living in the USA, his life’s story has been so inspirational it has been featured on the multi-award winning documentary Stopping Traffic.
Dr. John A. King is an award winning poet, activist on human trafficking. He has C-PTSD and run’s seminars on trafficking and PTSD.
His latest book #DEALWITHIT is a no frills, raw journey of how Dr. John A. King went through a decade of childhood sexual abuse by his friends and family and how he fought to piece his life back together.
This episode deals with a lot of sensitive subjects and we warn our listeners to not listen to it if you are triggered by the topic. It is a very transparent and revealing conversation of Dr. John’s life. We hope that while we discuss these topics we are able to motivate and inspire someone out there, that what you may be going through at this moment is not the end.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday May 28, 2018
Podcast Episode 45: Why People Need Each Other Part II
Monday May 28, 2018
Monday May 28, 2018
In the second part of the show, Jake and Dave Reid, who is a Marriage and Family Therapist at Zephyr Wellness, continue the discussion on the Attachment Theory and how we are unable to regulate our emotions as individuals, we must have people help us process our emotions.
You may never have considered the way you attach yourself to others, described by psychologists as your ‘attachment style’, but it’s probably about time you did, because it affects every aspect of our relationships, from the way we choose our partners to how our relationships work day-to–day, and even how they end. Knowing what your attachment style actually is, where it comes from and how it’s played out is critical to avoid slipping into cycles that repeat themselves for the rest of your life.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday May 21, 2018
Podcast Episode 44: Why People Need Each Other Part I
Monday May 21, 2018
Monday May 21, 2018
Jake welcomes Dave Reid who is a Marriage and Family Therapist at Zephyr Wellness, they discuss the Attachment Theory and how we are unable to regulate our emotions as individuals, we must have people help us process our emotions.
Attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space. Attachment theory explains how the parent-child relationship emerges and influences subsequent development.
Our style of attachment affects everything from our partner selection to how well our relationships progress to, sadly, how they end. That is why recognizing our attachment pattern can help us understand our strengths and vulnerabilities in a relationship.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Friday May 18, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
On the pursuit of providing better mental health services and our vision of providing better understanding and educating on mental health, as promised we will be doing more listeners mail answering the many questions sent in by you all.
Keep sending your questions, we really appreciate it and we hope that we get you closer to a better state of mental health.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday May 14, 2018
Podcast Episode 43: Philosophical Musing with Dr. Christian Conte
Monday May 14, 2018
Monday May 14, 2018
We welcome back Dr .Christian Conte, who is one of the most accomplished mental health specialists in the field of anger and emotional management. Jake and Dr Conte discuss the development of the Yield Theory, where Dr. Conte has been developing and teaching others for over 16 years.
"Yield Theory is a way to connect with others, and it is a way to understand others; but it is also a way for us all to understand ourselves. It is predicated on the fundamental assumption that if we lived every day as another person; not just walk a proverbial mile in his or her shoes, but actually had that person’s cognitive functioning, affective capabilities, and life experiences, then we would make every single choice that that person has ever made." - Dr. Christian Conte.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday May 07, 2018
Podcast Episode 42: Overview of Rural Mental Health Care Part III
Monday May 07, 2018
Monday May 07, 2018
Jake and Adrienne have discussed so far the core conceptual issues in rural mental health care, the social and economic challenges. In this episode they close off by discussing the funding and political challenges of rural mental health.
Providing affordable and comprehensive mental health services for those who need these services is a tremendous challenge for the helping professions. The demand for services across the nation exceeds the ability of the mental health community to provide them.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Apr 30, 2018
Podcast Episode 41: Humans Rescuing Pets - Pets Rescuing Humans
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Monday Apr 30, 2018
We have a great treat for everyone. We had the pleasure of having on our show two amazing women who are making a difference in Cambodia. These inspirational women are Dr. Lauren Marsden, Founder and Owner of VSL Veterinary Clinic Cambodia and Martina Mayr, Founder and Director of Animal Rescue Cambodia.
The ladies discuss with Jake on the work they have been doing in response to the lack of animal welfare in Cambodia. A pet can be a great source of comfort, companionship and motivation for their owners. In many ways, pets can help us to live mentally healthier lives. So we were more than eager to team up with these inspiring ladies to give more awareness to both animal rescue and mental health.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Apr 23, 2018
Podcast Episode 40: Overview of Rural Mental Health Care Part II
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Monday Apr 23, 2018
This is part II of our three part series on the overview of rural mental health care, as Jake welcomes Adrienne Sutherland back on the show.
Jake and Adrienne will be continuing the discussion on mental illness in rural and urban residents. Social support has been found to have a direct effect on the well-being of families and individuals. Specific strategies are presented which will assist rural health nurses in providing the support systems necessary to help rural residents in managing and coping with stress and mental health problems.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.