Noggin Notes aims to educate and enrich your noggin about mental illness and wellness. Conversations range from factual and data-based to theoretical and idea-based. We welcome your input at info@nogginnotes.com or info@zephyrwellness.org. Noggin Notes is not intended as a substitute for professional counseling but we really do hope you can adopt and use some of what we share in order to improve your own life and to seek peace and wellness every day.

Monday Apr 16, 2018
Podcast Episode 39: Overview of Rural Mental Health Care
Monday Apr 16, 2018
Monday Apr 16, 2018
We welcome Adrienne Sutherland who works for a Non-Profit Organization called Community Chest in rural Nevada. Adrienne is a licensed clinical professional counselor and a licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor.
Jake and Adrienne will be discussing mental illness in rural and urban residents. Mental health care needs are not met in many rural communities across the country because adequate services are not present and such organization that Adrienne works for provides services to these areas.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Apr 09, 2018
Podcast Episode 38: Listener Mail
Monday Apr 09, 2018
Monday Apr 09, 2018
It's that time again where Jake answers your questions. This time he shares a bit about himself and the counseling field, with more to come down the road.
Keep sending your questions, we really appreciate it and we hope that we get you closer to a better state of mental health.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Apr 02, 2018
Podcast Episode 37: Toxic Relationships Part II
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Jake and Steve continues the discussion with Steve Barcia about toxic relationships in this two part series, as they close it off by digging deeper on how people use relationships to fill a void within themselves.
The truth is that anytime you try to distract yourself from feeling what you’re feeling, you’re avoiding the fact that you’re not whole. Something is missing, damaged or broken, and until you face it, no person or thing will ever make you feel complete.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Podcast Episode 36: Toxic Relationships Part I
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
We welcome back Steve Barcia on the show as he discusses toxic relationships with Jake. They give insightful advice and tips if you think you are in a toxic relationship or if you think you were in one. Their discussion will give you a better insight on having a healthier relationship with others, your partner and yourself.
A toxic relationship is any relationship that is unfavorable to you or others. The foundations of any relationship, healthy or not, are most commonly established upon mutual admiration and respect, but can, in time, become remarkably unhealthy. It is the poisonous atmosphere that distinguishes a merely bad or troublesome relationship from a toxic relationship. Toxic relationships can prevent those involved from living a productive and healthy life.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Mar 19, 2018
Podcast Episode 35: What the heck is play therapy? Part II
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Amanda Green is back and we are excited as she discusses further with Jake about play therapy. They dig in deeper on the 10 objectives of play therapy.
Developing more positive self concept in kids is important. We all should know that, you are not what you do. So we should never want to say, "kids are something", we would rather want to say, "they are doing something", because we can change what we do.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Mar 12, 2018
Podcast Episode 34: College Students Mental Health
Monday Mar 12, 2018
Monday Mar 12, 2018
In this episode Jake sits down and chats with Lauren Penksa on student life on campus. They examine everything from mental health, drug and alcohol habits, and how they deal with challenges.
College is a stressful time and students can expect to deal with a variety of expected and unexpected stressors through their college careers. While stress sources don’t necessarily cause anxiety disorders and/or mental illnesses but they can worsen symptoms.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Mar 05, 2018
Podcast Episode 33: A Casual Chat With Dr. Christian Conte
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Monday Mar 05, 2018
In this episode Jake has an insightful and inspiring chat with Dr. Conte and discuss deeper on how we all can impact the world better in actions and what we put out in this world.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Feb 26, 2018
Podcast Episode 32: What the heck is play therapy?
Monday Feb 26, 2018
Monday Feb 26, 2018
Play therapy is a kind of therapy counseling with playing activities which makes children overcome their psychological difficulties by themselves and helps them to achieve optimum level of development.
In this episode Jake talks to Amanda Green, a Marriage and Family Therapist at Zephyr Wellness. They discuss deeper on Amanda's work on play therapy.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Feb 19, 2018
Podcast Episode 31: Six Dos and Don'ts of Talking about a Tragedy
Monday Feb 19, 2018
Monday Feb 19, 2018
In this episode Jake discusses the Six Do's and Don'ts of talking about trauma and tragedy. These do's and don’ts can be used when talking to children and adults.
Tragedies affect everyone, both children, and adults. Children need to talk about their fears, frustration, and disbelief. It is important that we are watchful for these emotions and encourages open discussions.
Hope you enjoy the podcast and please go ahead subscribe and give us a review of our show. You can write a review on iTunes.

Monday Feb 12, 2018
Podcast Episode 30: Dr. Conte's 4 C's of Parenting
Monday Feb 12, 2018
Monday Feb 12, 2018
Being a parent is a role that can bring you great joy and happiness as well as challenges to deal with.